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About us



Architecture is so much more than what people see, it ‘s how you make people feel.



oplossingen bieden aan niet evidente opdrachten op korte termijn / het nodige team samenstellen en aansturen / bouwen voor mensen / aandacht geven aan de relatie tussen de mens en de gebouwde omgeving / teruggrijpen naar de essentie: een gezond gebouw, goed geconcipieerd, compact, correct georiënteerd, zorgvuldig uitgevoerd met duurzame en gerecycleerde gezonde materialen / bouwen met gezond verstand.

EBTCA architecten, founded by 2 partners, Tom Caluwaerts and Eve Berghmans, is a leading, multidisciplinary think studio that offers you a unique, customised support platform: from a new-build or renovation project to the restoration of a listed building.

Coming up with ingenious solutions to less than obvious and complex projects quickly has become one of our specialities over the years. But what really gives our (conceptually, technically and socially) innovative projects that extra edge is our uncanny ability to time and again pick and direct the right team.

Architecture can’t force people to connect, it can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers, and make the meeting places useful and attractive - Denise Scott Brown

Building for people requires careful consideration for the relationship between man and the built environment. It’s about paring things down to the essence: about giving people healthy, cleverly designed, compact buildings to live or work in, about the best orientation, about using sustainable, circular and safe materials. In sum, it’s about building with a healthy dose of common sense!

At EBTCA architecten, each project starts with an in-depth analysis of our clients’ needs and the constraints associated with the social and environmental context. Next, our construction plans are translated into a cost-efficient table with an analytical drawing that allows you to picture the various areas so that you can visualise the optimised, innovative, socially responsible use of space, conducive to social interaction.

To do so, we use Building Information Modeling (BIM), a communicative virtual reality tool that saves both time and money during the design, the construction and the maintenance phase.

Our enviable portfolio, ranging from housing to public buildings (cultural sector, care sector, retail, education…) confirms the success of this unique strategy.

Our ‘TOTAL’ projects are the result of a multi-disciplinary approach where cross-fertilisation between all the intermediate disciplines (sustainability, stability, technology, acoustics…) enhances our knowledge and allows us to keep surpassing ourselves so that our next project will be even better than our last.



EBTCA is looking for (a trainee) (engineer-) architect to join our Brussels (Zaventem)-based team:

+ you are proficient in ArchiCAD (or you are an enthusiastic fast learner), speak and write Dutch and English fluently (French is an asset).

+ you have excellent graphic skills;

+ you have experience in managing large and complex projects (expertise in the fields of urbanism, urban design, heritage is an asset);

+ you have (a minimum of 5 years of) relevant experience on technical level; tendering and/or execution files

+ you aim at delivering projects with high professional standards and in accordance with the established design ambitions;

You will be working on a wide variety of challenging projects in different stages from schematic design and design development, building permit, tendering and/or execution files in Belgium.

Send us your motivation letter, CV and portfolio in Dutch/English as pdf files (altogether not exceeding 8 MB) at

Applications sent by post cannot be considered and shall not be returned, nor can we respond to telephone inquiries.


“Taking lessons from nature
can inform and enhance design, as we continue to strive
to make each structure smarter and more efficient than the last.” 

S. Ramaswamy